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[IMPORTANT - Read More] Free Software update required on PrimaDonna Soul

Dear Customer,
Our Quality Control has identified a programme error in a production batch of the "PrimaDonna Soul" which causes the following message to appear on the display: "PRODUCT SAMPLE - TIME EXPIRED -", stopping the machine's regular operation.
The coffee machine you are using is a product of the current series and not a sample (PRODUCT SAMPLE).
To remove the error, we offer you a free software update for your PrimaDonna Soul.
The affected coffee machines are those with production dates:
  • between 220915 and 221020
  • between 230420 and 240201
The image below shows how to identify the production date from the serial number label on the side of the machine:


We kindly ask you to contact our Customer Service Department using your preferred method to arrange the reprogramming operation by visiting our website at
We apologise for the inconvenience and we are confident that the proactivity of our reporting shows you the utmost attention we pay to the satisfaction of our customers and the continuous improvement of our products. 
We would like to remind you that updating your machine's program will always be free of charge, even after the warranty period has expired. After the upgrade, our service centre will also inspect, test and perform routine maintenance on your PrimaDonna Soul free of charge.
